Help us make the world a better place for all animals.
Make a one time donation
Donations to Oinking Acres are tax deductible as we are a 501c3 non-profit organization. Your generosity keeps our barn doors open.
become a patron
Become a contributor and receive the inside scoop on our farm! By donating regularly, you provide continued needed financial support caring for our animals. Click here to join!
Make a donation via paypal
Donate to our general needs like feed, supplies, vet bills etc.
Donate to our general needs like feed, supplies, vet bills etc. Click here to donate!
Shop our amazon wishlist
Donate specific items from our Amazon wishlist. Click here to view our list.
Shop our Chewy Wishlsit
Donate specific items from our Chewy wishlist. Click here to view our list.
Our volunteers play an extremely important part in the work that takes place at Oinking Acres. Our volunteers make a difference in the lives of the animals at the sanctuary. They also help propel our overall mission, and aid OA in the rescue and rehabilitation of so many animals. Running a sanctuary is hard, hard work. It takes a village. I am so incredibly thankful for all our volunteers!
We are always looking to grow our volunteer group. We are in need of consistent volunteers to join our OA team and help with the daily activities at the farm.
If you’re interested in volunteering please please fill out this form: VOLUNTEER FORM
Must be 16 years or older.