You can make a difference. We run solely off donations and the generosity of our community. We could not continue to rescue these animals without you!


Become a contributor and receive the inside scoop on our farm! By donating regularly, you provide continued needed financial support caring for our animals.

Become a contributor and receive the inside scoop on our farm! By donating regularly, you provide continued needed financial support caring for our animals.

Find us on Venmo and make a donation that will help us pay supplies for our pigs!

Find us on Venmo and make a donation that will help us pay supplies for our pigs!

We are always in need of supplies for our pigs. Click below to view a list of various items that we can always use.

We are always in need of supplies for our pigs. Click below to view a list of various items that we can always use.

Your donation allows us not only take care of our existing pigs but be able to rescue even more pigs.

Your donation allows us not only take care of our existing pigs but be able to rescue even more pigs.

or shop our merch!

Donate towards our vet care account at Purdue University Large Animal Hospital.

We have all of our pigs spayed or neutered there.


Oinking Acres Farm Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc

501(c)(3) tax id: 84-2947410